Balance of PowerVanquish your enemies with cunning, strategy, and a delicate balance of political, economic, and military power. Its Risk without dice. A cavalcade of awesomeness. The Dice Tower calls it “Risk for Chess players”
GlobalizationGlobalization brings the exciting world of big business into your living room. You are the head of a multinational corporation with one goal in mind: to make money.
ErgoI think therefore I am, only if I can prove it. Ergo is the logical card game for the geek in all of us. Use variable and operator cards to disprove your opponents.
The Impossible MachineThe Impossible Machine is like dominoes with cards with a Rube Goldberg machine flavor. Add parts to an elaborate machine. When an the machine gets an ending, it starts, and the race is on to get as many of your parts in the machine as possible. The player who has contributed the most parts after three rounds wins.
Bravest WarriorsThe Space-Time Calliope is vast and dangerous, waiting for courageous heroes to save the day. You’re those heroes! Become the Bravest Warriors and battle your way through a myraid of encounters to Victory!
Kittens in a BlenderYou are twisted. I can’t believe you actually want to put these adorable kittens in a blender! I guess that’s none of my business. Maybe you’re more of a dog person. Sure, kittens are curious by nature, but when they get in a kitchen full of dangerous appliances, it is up to you to save them.
HechoHecho is a fast, fun, family card game where you are competing to build a Spanish town. The quick-paced turn-less style of play encourages quick thinking, card trading, and keeps everyone on their toes.
The TargetGet classic cloak and dagger action in this cold-war era deduction game. In the Target, you are either a CIA or KGB agent trying to deposit sensitive intel to your agency’s headquarters.
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